Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Using Your Gifts for the Greater Good

I will not be taking a political stand on this blog site, but I do want to talk a bit about our responsibility as US citizens. No matter who comes out on top of the political scene in November, let me urge you to look at the reason that the United States is THE best country in the world to live: ITS PEOPLE! We are all gifted with talents and abilities. Some use those talents to seek political office. Others will use them to raise their family. No one person is more important than another.

These are interesting times in our country, and we must stand together as we work through them. Think about how you will take responsibility for your country in the coming months. Will you use your voice and make your way to the poles even if it's raining or traffic is bad? Will you find your gift of giving as you look in your pantry for a few extra canned goods for the local food bank or even hand that person on the corner a dollar just because you can? Will you utilize your gift of listening and spend a few extra minutes hearing about what your child did in school today? Will you step out with your gift of leadership and run a fundraiser for a friend trying to pay medical bills?

We were not put on this earth to complain or to feel sorry for ourselves. Take action and take the lead!

Crazy Busy Mama,

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