Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day - A Hopeful Moment in Time

I don’t care who you are, if you watched the Inauguration of Barack Obama, our 44th President of the United States, you were moved!

Due to snow that fell overnight, school was cancelled and I was able to watch the Inauguration festivities with my sons. Okay, the 9-year old watched and the 6-year old wandered around half the time, but I called him in on the “good” parts. We watched it all: the motorcade, the procession, the music, the oath and the speech.

I know the boys cannot fully appreciate the historical nature of the day, and to be honest I am not sure I can either, but we were there to share it together. I even took a silly photo of my son watching the TV as President Obama walked out to the platform; a “silly” photo I will cherish forever.

We are called daily to new challenges - personally, professionally, and spiritually. I am not sure which one you face today. I know that as I looked at the individuals who made up the crowd on the National Mall, I saw hope… I saw joy… I saw America!

That was enough for my challenges today.

Crazy, Busy Mama,

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Celebrating Your Child's Uniqueness

I have two wonderful sons! Each is uniquely gifted by God. My 9-year old is a thinker, organizer, pleaser and has a heart of gold. My 6-year old is animated, persuasive, intelligent and outspoken. I love them both immensely, but confess their traits are often too similar to mine... leading to a clash of wills.

However, something came into focus one day as I was reading a book by Kathy Miller called "Through His Eyes". I had had a difficult morning with one of my sons and wondered if I was truly equipped to handle motherhood as my boys became young adults. I mean, they are not even in Middle School yet! Kathy recounts a story written by speaker Arlene Kaiser as she worked her way through a clothing boutique.

"I noticed a label dangling for the the sleeve of most of the garments. The label read, 'This garment is designed of the finest fabric. All nubs, irrecglar designs are part of the unique fabric and are not a defect of workmanship or material. For best results, wash in cold water or dry clean'. Imagine God writing a label for every person to wear. It might read, 'Dear Reader: This individual was created with selected characteristics of the finest quality. All marks, slight irregularities, wrinkles, variations of size or color, unexpected behavior or response, in no way should be taken as defects, rather as the unique qualities of this individual. For best results, please learn the care and self-esteem building for this unique individual'.

May you celebrate the uniqueness in each children that blesses your life!

Crazy, Busy, Mama,
