Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day - A Hopeful Moment in Time

I don’t care who you are, if you watched the Inauguration of Barack Obama, our 44th President of the United States, you were moved!

Due to snow that fell overnight, school was cancelled and I was able to watch the Inauguration festivities with my sons. Okay, the 9-year old watched and the 6-year old wandered around half the time, but I called him in on the “good” parts. We watched it all: the motorcade, the procession, the music, the oath and the speech.

I know the boys cannot fully appreciate the historical nature of the day, and to be honest I am not sure I can either, but we were there to share it together. I even took a silly photo of my son watching the TV as President Obama walked out to the platform; a “silly” photo I will cherish forever.

We are called daily to new challenges - personally, professionally, and spiritually. I am not sure which one you face today. I know that as I looked at the individuals who made up the crowd on the National Mall, I saw hope… I saw joy… I saw America!

That was enough for my challenges today.

Crazy, Busy Mama,

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